.. _create-image-sea-surface-speeds: Create an image of sea surface speeds =========================================== These steps will get you from .. image:: 00-empty-main.png via .. image:: 10-ocean-speeds.png to .. image:: 2d-ocean-with-earth-and-adjustments.png .. note:: You can find a video recording covering this material at https://youtu.be/TCmnBme0OWA?t=2144, and the material at https://github.com/ESiWACE/hpda-vis-training (run the make file of the Training2021/Session2 folder). You can download all files by:: git clone git@github.com:ESiWACE/hpda-vis-training.git cd hpda-vis-training/Training2021/Session2/ make .. note:: Whatever you do with paraview, keep saving state files (``File -> Save State``) (see :ref:`save-state`) at regular intervals. You can additionally :ref:`make-paraview-save-on-quit-or-crash`. You might need to :ref:`activate_the_cdi_reader_plugin` With the cdi reader loaded, you can :ref:`load-2d-icon` You can now :ref:`calculator-uv-speed` With the data loaded, you can :ref:`chose-BuGn` For tuning your resulting image, you can * :ref:`rescale-colormap-to-custom` * :ref:`deactivate-light-kit` * :ref:`texture-map-to-plane` to fill the holes in the ocean. * :ref:`camera-parallel-projection` to reduce projection artifacts * :ref:`set-background` (and its default). * :ref:`prettify-colorbar` Finally you can de-activate the display of the coordinate system in the bottom right by clicking the icon with the eye and the coordinate axis in the right of the menu (see :ref:`main-screen`). To prepare for export (as/for a video) you should :ref:`set-view-size` before you :ref:`export-animation`. Here, you can :download:`Download a state file with all features <2d-ocean-with-earth-and-adjustments.pvsm>`. You will need to :ref:`activate_the_cdi_reader_plugin` before loading it and chose the directory with your downloaded input files on loading the state file to make it work. You can continue with :ref:`display-transparent-clouds`.